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Colin Speaking at the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club

We have some excellent news directly from Colin about his recent presentation for the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club:

Monday night I was invited to attend the Jaguar Enthusiasts  Club for Suffolk and Essex. I was in invited to do this back in the summer at the Helmingham Hall Classic Car Show. 
I spent around an hour presenting to around 50 members about why I started this valeting business, the importance of my Master Detailer Course and the accreditation it gave me. I talked about products I use and the benefits of professional valeting and detailing. I also showed them the number of brushes and tools used for wheels, engine bays and interiors. 
Now I'm booked to do a car show for them in May on the back of the success of Monday night. 

Suffolk & Essex Car Valeting - Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Here's a recent Jaguar valeting job Colin really enjoyed doing!

Take a look at the full gallery portfolio for more images of Colin's work. The gallery shows much more detail, including before/after pics of the various valeting services available.

Please get in touch on 07554 361 397 if we can help you with your next car valet service -- available in Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk.


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